- 拼音:diū luò
- 注音:ㄉ一ㄡ ㄌㄨㄛˋ
- 繁体:丟落
“丢落”一词在汉语中主要表示“扔下”或“遗落”的意思。具体解释如下: . 扔下:指将某物从手中或其他位置放开,使其掉落到地面或其他地方。例如,《水浒传》第五回中的描述:“先把戒刀和包裹拴了,望下丢落去。”这里的“丢落”就是指将戒刀和包裹从高处扔下。
- 丢落(diū luò)
- 流落(liú luò)
- 流(liú làng)
- 留恋(liú liàn)
- 流连(liú lián)
- 遗落(yí luò):因疏忽而将某物落在某个地方,未能带走。
- 丢失(diū shī):因疏忽或不小心而失去某物。
- 抛弃(pāo qì):主动放弃某物或某人,不再关心或照顾。
- 丢弃(diū qì):将某物扔掉或不再使用。
- 拾起(shí qǐ):将掉落或遗落的东西捡起来。
- 保留(bǎo liú):保持某物或某种状态不变,不丢失或放弃。
- 收藏(shōu cáng):将某物收起来,妥善保管。
- 丢落物品:因疏忽而遗落的物品。
- 丢落钥匙:不小心将钥匙遗落在某个地方。
- 丢落手机:不小心将手机遗落在某个地方。
- 丢落文件:因疏忽而将重要文件遗落在某个地方。
- 丢落钱包:不小心将钱包遗落在某个地方。
. 他把书包放在桌上,转身离开时不小心把笔记本丢落了。 - He put his backpack on the table and left, accidentally leaving his notebook behind. . 她在公交车上睡着了,下车时把手机丢落在座位上。 - She fell asleep on the bus and left her phone on the seat when she got off. . 老王在公园散步时,发现地上丢落了一张百元钞票,他赶紧捡了起来。 - While taking a walk in the park, Old Wang found a hundred-yuan note on the ground and quickly picked it up. . 小明在图书馆看书时,不小心把盒丢落在书架旁边,直到回家才发现。 - Xiaoming was reading in the library and accidentally left his glasses case beside the bookshelf, only to realize it when he got home. . 游客们在景区游玩时,常常会因为拍照而将随身物品丢落在各个角落。 - Tourists often leave their personal items in various corners of scenic spots while taking photos. . 妈妈在整理房间时,发现了一个小时候丢落的玩具熊,勾起了她许多美好的回忆。 - While tidying up the room, Mom found a toy bear she had lost as a child, which brought back many happy memories. . 小华在前夜,因为太紧张而把复习资料丢落在了学校的图书馆里。 - Xiaohua, due to nervousness the night before the exam, left his review materials in the school library. . 他在搬家时,不小心把一些旧照片丢落在了旧房子里,后来才意识到这些照片的重要性。 - While moving, he accidentally left some old photos in the old house and later realized their importance. . 孩子们在公园玩耍时,经常会把零食包装袋丢落在草地上,影响了环境的整洁。 - Children often leave snack wrappers on the grass while playing in the park, affecting the cleanliness of the environment. 1. 李老师在上课时,突然发现自己的教案丢落在办公室,只好临时调整教学计划。 - While teaching, Mr. Li suddenly realized he had left his lesson plan in the office and had to adjust the class plan on the fly.
- 遗失(yí shī):因疏忽而失去某物。
- 丢失(diū shī):因疏忽或不小心而失去某物。
- 遗落(yí luò):因疏忽而将某物落在某个地方,未能带走。
- 遗忘(yí wàng):忘记某事或某物。
- 遗弃(yí qì):主动放弃某物或某人,不再关心或照顾。 通过以上内容,我们可以更全面地了解“丢落”这个词的含义、用法及其相关的词汇和句子。希望这些信息对你有所帮助。