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作者:方老师 更新时间:2024-08-24



  • 拼音:cuì tīng
  • 注音:ㄘㄨㄟˋ ㄊ一ㄥ
  • 繁体:倅廳


倅厅(cuì tīng)古代官署的一种,主要存在于宋、元两代。倅厅是州县副职官员办公的地方,相当于现代的副或副市长的办公室。这些副职官员通常负责协助正职处理政务,地方行政事务,以及处理一些特定的专项任务。倅厅不仅是一个办公场所,也是地方行系中不可或缺的一部分,体现了中国古代官僚的复杂性和细致分工。


  • 翠亭(cuì tíng)
  • 脆听(cuì tīng)
  • 淬听(cuì tīng)


  • 副署(fù shǔ)
  • 副衙(fù yá)
  • 助理府(zhù lǐ fǔ)


  • 正厅(zhèng tīng)
  • 主厅(zhǔ tīng)
  • 正署(zhèng shǔ)


  • 倅厅长(cuì tīng zhǎng):指倅厅的主要负责人。
  • 倅厅吏(cuì tīng lì):在倅厅工作的官员或职员。
  • 倅厅事(cuì tīng shì):在倅厅处理的政务或事务。
  • 倅厅印(cuì tīng yìn):倅厅使用的官印。
  • 倅厅记(cuì tīng jì):记录倅厅事务的文件或档案。


. 宋代的倅厅不仅是副职官员的办公场所,还是处理地方政务的重要机构。 - In the Song Dynasty, the cuì tīng was not only the office for deputy officials but also an important institution for handling local government affairs. . 元代的倅厅在地方行系中起到了承上启下的作用,确保了政令的畅通。 - During the Yuan Dynasty, the cuì tīng played a crucial role in the local administrative system, ensuring the smooth flow of government orders. . 倅厅长在处理政务时,常常需要与正厅长密切合作,以确保地方治理的有效性。 - The head of the cuì tīng often needed to work closely with the head of the main hall to ensure effective local governance. . 倅厅吏们每天都要处理大量的文书工作,确保各项事务有条不紊地进行。 - The officials and clerks in the cuì tīng had to handle a large amount of paperwork every y to ensure that all matters were processed smoothly. . 倅厅印是地方副职官员行使权力的重要象征,必须妥善保管。 - The seal of the cuì tīng was an important symbol of authority for deputy officials and had to be kept securely. . 倅厅记详细记录了地方副职官员的工作情况和处理的各项事务,是重要的历史资料。 - The records of the cuì tīng provided detailed accounts of the work of deputy officials and the matters they handled, making them valuable historical documents. . 在宋朝,倅厅的设立使得地方行政更加高效,减少了正职官员的工作压力。 - In the Song Dynasty, the establishment of the cuì tīng made local administration more efficient and reduced the workload of the chief officials. . 倅厅的职能不仅限于行政事务,还包括地方财政和司法案件。 - The functions of the cuì tīng were not limited to administrative matters but also included overseeing local finances and judicial cases. . 倅厅长在处理重大决策时,往往会召集倅厅吏进行商议,以确保决策的科学性和合理性。 - When dealing with major decisions, the head of the cuì tīng would often convene meetings with the officials and clerks to ensure that the decisions were scientifically sound and reasonable. 1. 倅厅的设置反映了中国古代官僚的精细分工和高度组织化。 - The establishment of the cuì tīng reflected the fine division of labor and high degree of organization in ancient Chinese bureaucracy.


  • 州县(zhōu àn):古代中国的地方行政区划单位,州相当于现在的地级市,县相当于现在的县级市。
  • 副职(fù zhí):指在某一职位下担任辅助或次要职责的官员。
  • 正职(zhèng zhí):指在某一职位下担任主要或最高职责的官员。
  • 官署(guān shǔ):古代机关的统称,包括各种衙门、厅、署等。
  • 政务(zhèng wù):指或地方的行政事务和管理活动。
  • 文书(wén shū):指官方文件、公文等书面材料。
  • 印信(yìn xìn):指官印和其他证明身份或权力的信物。
  • 档案(dàng àn):指保存的历史文件和资料,用于记录和查证。